E-books have become an effective alternative to paper books and it is recommended to use them because they have many advantages such as ease of use and saving time and effort for students, researchers and those interested in the field of reading, so we provide our customers with the design of a multi-purpose electronic library application ( public - heritage - Islamic - literary - scientific - ..... ). We have a history of distinguished work in this field
Smart Search System
Rating system
Multiple Sections
Add books
Book Catalog
download books
Save bookmarks
Change font size , color
Change view
Show and hide forming
· - Dashboard to manage all application content
· - Control the addition of Advertising Banner
· - Add Miscellaneous Sections and Categories
· - Adding books, including all their details
(Title - Image - Content - Author - Publisher - etc.)
· - Send notifications to users when adding new books
· - The ability to delete or update books
· - When the book is deleted it is automatically deleted from the user's device
· - Send notifications to customers when books are updated
· - Force user to update books
· - The ability to hide some books, and not displayed in the application
· - Adding the meanings and interpreting some words
· - Control colors and shapes of lines and symbols
· - The ability to arrange books by author or title
· - Showing the number of users
· - Showing the number of book downloads
· - Comprehensive statistics on user behaviors
· - The ability to use the application without internet connection
· - Browse the app completely (books and sections)
· - A detailed search with the names and the contents of the books
· - The ability to browse each book individually
· - The ability to arrange books by author or titles of books
· - Showing the information of the book (name - author - publisher - etc.)
· - Learn details about the current page (number - chapter - etc.)
· - Ability to copy a full word, sentence, paragraph or page
· - The index contains the content of the book and the page numbers
· - Interpretation and clarification of some sentences and meanings when pressed
· - Interpretation and clarification of the most important synonyms at the bottom of each page
· - The ability to change the size and color of the font
· - The ability to change the display method between the longitudinal or transverse position
· - The ability to change the reading mode between (night or day)
· - The ability to change the background color to any other color
· - The ability to hide or show the vowel
· - Save bookmarks for all books in an infinite number
· - The ability to add notes and refer to them at any time
· - Notes and notifications about adding any new book to the application
· - The ability to share the app with friends
· - The ability to download or read any book online
🎯 The duration of E-library app design takes from 1 month to 2 month For one copy only Android or iPhone and for the entire project from 2 Month to 4 Month , and may increase according to your needs and technical specifications that you want to add in the application, for more details about the prices of application design in Egypt, go to the next page
🎯 For details on delivery times, you can contact us now via WhatsApp and our technical support team will answer any questions through a quick consultation service free of charge
🔔 Before requesting a quotation, you must first know the basis of how the design price of the E-library application is determined. And what are the most important criteria that determine this: -
· 1 - Not only one application is designed, but multiple copies (management control panel - clients )
· 2 - Programming a copy for Android systems that has a price and another copy for IOS systems has a different price as well, as for the website that has an independent price as well
· 3 - Diversity of specifications is an important factor in determining the final price
🔔 In total , the quotation for E-library App design For all versions Android + IOS + website on average starting from 4500 $ And the price of one copy only is about 2500 $ The final price for project is determined after communicating and knowing all your requirements and discussing them in detail
👈 The types of mobile applications differ , and according to each type it has its own programming language:
- The first type is Cross Platforms, in which we use the Flutter technology, which is one of the latest technologies currently in the world in the field of mobile application development and is strongly supported by Google, and one of the most important projects that have been implemented with the technology of Flutter is the Alibaba application
- The second type is Native Application, in which we use the Kotlin language for Android applications and the Swift language for iPhone applications
- For the backend used in applications, we use the PHP Laravel framework with the MYSQL database
🔔 one of our most Important Works In This Feild Is Zaidia Library App , It contains many books on religious sciences and is characterized by many advantages and specifications
🎯 We Can Provide A Trial Version For System To examine it and see the advantages of the system and the extent of future development according to your needs
🔔 We have a large team of experienced people that includes all disciplines (systems and data analysts - programmers of websites and applications - designers - project managers - testers - specialists in e-marketing), which makes us able to produce major projects and ensure their success.
🔔 We have great awareness of the rapid movements of the labor market, so we design systems that accommodate all future expansions of your business
🔔 We give great attention to the design stage so that it is easy to use and suitable for all your customers
🔔 We offer the best protection and privacy methods for your data and information encryption
👈 We offer a special discount for new visitors to our website when you communicate. You can now own your own project at the lowest cost. The technical offer also includes other features from Matrix Clouds: -
· 1- Featured quotes and packages that suit all needs
· 2- 20% discount for new visitors to our site only when communicating
· 3 - Domaine and Host for free for one year
· 4- "Logo - Designs - Video..." design offerings Free
· 5- Providing marketing consultancy and analysis to ensure your success
· 6. Running marketing campaigns for the application free of charge
🚀 For more details on mobile application design, go to the next page
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